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Hand Treatment Pump Manufacturers Introduce The Precautions For Using Foam Hand Sanitizer

Hand Treatment Pump Manufacturers introduce the precautions for the use of foam hand sanitizer:

1. When using hand sanitizer, do not press too much at one time, pay attention to rubbing the fingertips and between the fingers, and let the foam cover all parts of the whole hand, rub each other for more than 30 seconds, and then rinse a lot with water. in 15 seconds. Until your hands don't feel as slippery as hand sanitizer. Dry it with a clean dry towel or paper towel, preferably not dry, so as to avoid partial dehydration of the skin, causing dry skin.

2. When you wash your hands, don’t just rub them with hand sanitizer and then rinse them off with water. Wash your hands with hand sanitizer for 30 seconds to ensure that the hand sanitizer penetrates the surface of the skin. After washing, let it dry naturally without touching anything. In addition, if the hands dry within 10-15 seconds, it means that the penetration of the water and hand sanitizer is not deep enough, and the dosage needs to be deepened.

3. Hands usually feel dry after using hand sanitizer. People who often use hand sanitizer can apply some moisturizing hand cream after use. Also, sometimes hand sanitizer is not as effective as soap. For example, when the hands are obviously dirty or the hands are bleeding, the effect of soap is far more than that of hand sanitizer.

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